Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How good is your sense of smell?

From Cosmos Magazine: The Science of Everything
Apparently, psychopaths have a worse sense of smell than other people. A group in Australia did a study and found that people with less empathy and higher scores on the psychopathy scale cannot discriminate smells as well.  They used people from a university, who got course credit for doing the study and ranked them on smell sensitivity, scent identification, and scent discrimination as well as empathy and a psychopathy scale.  They used people who ranked on the psychopathy scale who were non-violent members of society, so one person was disqualified for having a criminal conviction. 

The authors suggest that the front part of the brain (the orbitofrontal cortex) is involved in olfactory (smell) processing, and in human interaction (empathy, etc).  This article suggests that this could be a way to help determine if people are psychopaths even if they lie or learn what to answer on the tests.  This may not work, because many of these people may also have done drugs or smoked or been injured or experienced some other thing that would damage their sense of smell, unrelated to their processing center.  Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other neurodegenerative diseases or neural trauma may also cause this same result.  That being said, maybe we could test kids, before they have all of these olfactory insults, to see if they might have a tendency to be psychopaths.  We'll have the hearing, vision, and smelling tests in schools from now on! (side note: I don't actually think this is a good idea)

On another note.  Women tend to have a heightened sense of smell during the early stages of pregnancy (google it, it's everywhere). Maybe women become less psychotic during pregnancy, to fight the hormones making her seem like she is MORE psychotic.  Women do seem to be overly-empathetic while pregnant... 

Another thing to think about: women tend to have a better sense of smell than men, and be more empathetic, even when they're not pregnant.


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