When does this end? Do we just lose the ability to have fun with our minds, do we just become so engaged in watching other people's creativity? Not that adults aren't creative, I mean, there are always things to fix or change in our lives that we haven't seen before and we have to come up with a new, unique solution, but why don't we pretend that our food is alien tentacles any more? Why can't we spend all day in the back yard digging up "dinosaur bones" as I used to as a kid? I think I will take it upon myself to start goofing off with everything in my life, though not as crazy as Calvin, I don't know that I was ever that crazy, but I think with our loss of willingness to say whatever we might want to think and laugh about it, social pressures have changed our ability to just enjoy random things in life that we would have marveled at as children, creating a story of our own for each of our meals.
I don't think we've lost all creativity, I just think it is channeled into something not as much fun, and our attention spans have reduced to almost nothing with everything in our lives that we have to constantly change things up, so why not reinvest that creativity into making our day-to-day lives more fun. I bet I could listen to a three hour lecture if I pretended the teacher was an alien (maybe)....
On a side note, I love Calvin and Hobbes.
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