Also I just want a little shout out to this couple in Quebec and so many other people all over who are fighting to keep their gardens! I think if we want to garden in the city why should we not be allowed to?! Not only is it good for the soil (when done right) it helps reduce the dependence on imported goods and gives the city an amazingly eclectic style! Good for you.
I like the article writer's point at the end that "We should celebrate the power of local projects like community gardens—but in doing so we should not forget that there are systemic problems in our economic and political systems that contribute to the desperation in certain urban centers. A green thumb alone can't get to the roots of gun violence". It's true that community projects can help to bring people together and bring some peace, but it is not the fix-all problem. Similarly, I love that this man lived in the neighborhood and conversed with friendly neighbors, acknowledging that gang members are people too, they have families and friends and they continue to live their lives normally (mostly). I think media portrays these people not as people but as evil beings. If we start understanding their lives as they relate to "normal" life, maybe we will be better able to understand why someone ends up in a gang in the first place and where the root problems are, rather than fighting the gang as an evil being itself.
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