Sunday, April 10, 2011


A community college in Cambridgeshire, England has made rules specifically barring the students' right to wear mismatched socks.  I have worn mismatched socks nearly every day since high school, so I am completely offended!  Well...not really, but I would certainly never go there.  The principal claims that dressing inappropriately will not be allowed in a respectable workplace, well, in that case, wherever I work will not be respectable.

This principal also revokes the students' right to chew gum, talk on a visible cell phone, and a few other things.  The school contacted the students' parents to inform them of the new rules warning that the students would be put in a "time out" type of situation.  These students can make their own decisions, they will learn later how to dress appropriately, when you are young you are allowed to be a little crazy.  Personally I would get socks that looked matched near the shoe but were completely different above and below, then they would never know...and I would have to read a booklet about good behavior.


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