Saturday, June 18, 2011

Words that I use way too often

At work (UTC not CNT) one day we decided that everyone should have a catch phrase. While we didn't finish the whole office, one guy got "just a few more things and I'll be done with the Connector" (the Connector is our newsletter), and I got "Amazing" (said in a sing-songy voice). I realize that I call everything amazing, or ridiculous, or crazy. And then I read this article, and realized it isn't only my problem! In the article she discusses that young people generally use these words too often and this is the best quote I could get about how often I use amazing, even though I don't actually watch Roseanne....

"The most frequent offender is "amazing." I say it in reaction to happy news, a clever joke, a preposterous idea, a fabulous outfit, an unbelievable coincidence, instead of "congratulations," basically any time I manage to get what I want. I even say it to myself, while reading Tumblrs on the internet, while watching Roseanne (in all fairness, how could you not?), while checking"

But really, it is true, maybe it is time for me to add a few new words to my vocabulary, and reduce my use of these words. So I will try this, but maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday when I will be interacting with more people, and I will give up amazing, crazy and ridiculous.... I don't know if I will survive this ridiculous experiment!



  1. I just realized, the blog name could be mistaken for boobs (fun twins?).

  2. Who says that's not what we were going for?
