Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Portion control at its finest?

I am all for people learning what is a portion and eating in moderation, but are we all really lacking so much will power that we need to have our food tell us what the correct amount is? This spaghetti box separates out the spaghetti into portions so you have to open a new section to get a second portion out, in theory limiting what you eat to 1 portion. I like to think that I can control my portions, and there are many other tools that can tell you what one portion of spaghetti is. But does the world need this? Are we all eating so much that we don't seem to know how to stop ourselves unless the packaging tells us to? Should everything we eat come in 100 calorie packs that we pay twice as much for just so that we don't over eat? That's what I use baggies for and reload them every day, but GOOD does make a point that maybe the world would waste less food if we were forced to see our portions all the time.
Click image for GOOD Magazine story


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