Monday, March 14, 2011

Warning: a little graphic

This video is very interesting.  It discusses the idea of labiaplasty and describes why people would desire to have this done to them.  The filmmaker takes the stand against labiaplasty (and I tend to agree with her).  She talks to many people about the surgeries and vulvas in general.  It is a British production, so they have many funny names for their vulvas, but that does not take away from the seriousness of the video too much (although now I think about fanny packs differently).

I cannot imagine putting myself through so much pain to change anything, and especially not my "fanny". 

 Definitely do not watch this at work, there are some pretty graphic parts of the filming that could be pretty uncomfortable if anyone walked by, and don't let your kids watch this without you watching it first (I don't think anyone has any kids young enough to not make their own decisions about this, but just in case).

The perfect vagina from heather leach on Vimeo.

The video is in 4 parts and to separate the parts they put a few minutes of black screen between them, so when you are watching and then it suddenly goes black don't worry it's not over.


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